Sunday, February 14, 2010

Adding a wrist strap to the Panty Purses

Wrist straps added to the above Panty purses.

This batch of Panty Purses (PPs) consists of 5 of them. Two red hatters, 2 with hearts for St. Valentines Day , and one with the white daisies on it. Have 3 more cut out and sitting on the drawing board of the one with the daisies on them to also do up this weekend. The ones with hearts on them I did up a wee bit different. I added a wrist strap to them. See the photos above to see how and when I added the wrist straps. Click on the photos to enlarge them for a better view of them.

That was simple to do. I used some cording to do that. The cording is actually a mini clothes line that I picked up in a dollar store a couple of years ago that I ended up adding to my sewing notions.

The only difference in making up these panty purses was that I added the strap to the PP by sewing it on between adding the trim and inserting the zipper. As you can see in photo number 1, I simply placed it on top of the trim and ran regular stitches back and forth over it. Didn't have to use one of those things that you use on the seams of Jeans or the like when sewing over the bulk cording.

The sewing machine didn't give me any problems with doing that step. The new computerized Brother SE350 sewing/embroidery machine and I are really getting along very well. It's doing what I've been asking it to do, without any problems.

When it came to the step where you trim the zipper overhang, I trimmed the zipper, the cord, and the lace trimming, all overhangs, all at the same time, as shown in photos numbers 2, 3, and 4.....

In the above collage of photos (storyboard), the bottom row shows the completed PP's.

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